On the Upcoming Election in the U.S.A.

Lofty Muse
2 min readOct 28, 2020

This post was inspired by a Jordan Peterson podcast episode; link posted below.

If the least interesting question to ask any religion is, “is it true?”, then the same could be said of any cultural artifact. Like history or political theory.

The significance of what remains of us after our passing, is not, was not, nor ever could be, intended for us. What greater fact is there than this? Therefore, it would be a mistake to look upon these times in search of hallmarks of what you find most pleasing, or significant, or interesting.

Our leaders, in particular the ones failing abysmally, ought not to be looked upon as prescient keepers of our cultural storehouses and collective wisdom, but as central characters in this Divine Comedy. They, though fully human and elected by us, are merely emblematic of this cultural moment.

Whether you find the US election inspiring or depressing is, frankly, irrelevant. What have the past four years taught us, except that a Democrat or Republican president in the White House is a sideshow in comparison to the greater awakening happening everywhere?

Namely, it is the individual that matters. And who is the individual in the political sphere of human rights? Is politics even the correct contextual framework, through which to view this aspect of our nature?

Such an inquiry, as a premise of discussion, leads to the question of individual responsibility and natural rights. Responsibility - at first intellectual, and consequently practical - leads toward a living, active relationship with natural rights. According to Locke, natural rights includes such attributes as “life, liberty and property”. And are, according to their eponymous nature, inalienable; as much a part of you as your fiber, your breath, your consciousness.

The American Republic is built on these natural rights. In many ways, the definition and construction of these rights is still well and underway. Now, you may stand opposed to such a republic and the political theory and philosophy that forms it’s underpinning, but you cannot stand aside of it without responsibility for the fact you are alive in such a period of history as this one.

To use a musical metaphor, we are all members of this Orchestra. Key players in a Cosmic Symphony. Conduct yourselves accordingly.




Lofty Muse

Thinking about. Most compatible with those in no hurry, for those in no rush. Slow is fast. To rest, is gain.